a systematic way to financial freedom

Welcome to


the systematic way to financial freedom

Do you change your time for money?

β€œNo time? No money?”

Such words may soon be a thing of the past. ALINEMA is a semi-automated way for displaying and implementing the lever effect. It uses the power of leverage through the combination of Alternative Investment and Network Marketing.

The know-how acquired over the years and the expertise in this area are compactly packed into step-by-step modules. These modules can be easily realized by anyone at any time.


Best way to predict the future is to create the future.

- Abraham Lincoln


What awaits you?

The systematic way of ALINEMA offers a free academy for beginners as well as a semi-automated duplication generator for advanced and pros. If each individual module is implemented correctly, both personal and financial success is inevitable.

ALINEMA Overview Modules

Don’t listen to us, listen to them (Testimonials)

β€œOMG so amazing the academy! This is exactly what I was looking for. What I like the most is ...”
— Patricia, Canada

To be prepared is half the victory.

- Miguel de Cervantesata



The Basics module displays all basic and relevant information regarding online business. From Internet security to the use of the appropriate tools needed to make the journey simple and successful. This module is especially designed for beginners who have little experience in this area.


Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source.

- Warren Buffet



The Investor module deals with Alternative Investments in more detail. Relevant factors that play an important role for a successful implementation are pointed out. Topics such as cash flow, diversification, procedures and strategy development are discussed in order to strive for long-term growth. Practical examples are used to illustrate what the opportunities and risks of Alternative Investments are.


Whether you think you canor you think you can't – you're right.

- Henry Ford



Nothing is more important for the achievement of goals than the necessary mindset. In this module, topics such as personality development, objectives, comfort zone, power of thought, etc. are passed on. The personal potential has to be discovered and promoted. The Mindset module serves as a mental support and helps to realize one's visions more easily and quickly.


I’d rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort.

- J. Paul Getty



Here you will find more detailed information about our Network Marketing activities. Different methods are shown, both online and offline. Procedure from the correct appearance, mediation of emotions up to the successful conclusion. In addition, you will find many tips such as suction effect, clean communication, personal story, etc. to successfully implement network marketing.


Every professional was once an amateur.

- Alexander Pope



The Pro module is for advanced users who have successfully implemented the previous modules. It deals more specifically with further procedures such as optimization, leadership, duplication, support, promotions, etc. In addition, further options for diversification are shown and discussed here.


I can only show you the door. You’re the one which has to walk through it

- Matrix, Morpheus -


β€œOur common goal is to use the power of the leverage in combination with today's technologies while fulfilling own visions and dreams.”

Form your personal organization within the ALINEMA community and benefit from it for a lifetime!

How to start?


To benefit from this power start now and…