The ALINEMA Academy

Our unique academy brings you the added value! With more knowledge and a proven system to a higher income, these are the features that stand behind the ALINEMA Academy!

In a world that is constantly changing, we are the reliable solution for newcomers up to professionals with larger organizations. The academy is focused on providing the best possible support for all of our members to make everyone's job easier. Only a good and strong foundation can bring you safely and sustainably through all kind of situations. The ALINEMA Academy offers you this foundation!

We know from our experience that a lot of projects, as interesting as they may sound, are exposed to a wide variety of risks and they might not be on the market in a few years due to the difficult and accelerated market conditions. This is another reason why we have created this academy to help you build a lifelong organization to overcome possible difficult times regardless of the different market situation.

In addition, the knowledge and experience you gain through the ALINEMA Academy will enable you to successfully manage and advance all types of projects and achieve your personal goals.

Moreover, we keep our fingers on the pulse to offer the best to our members. At ALINEMA, we believe that success works best when we achieve more together.

So join us and let's build a better future together!

Who we are

We are a global community of people from different social backgrounds who share the same interests such as financial freedom, more independence, personal development and supporting others.

Our community is part of the ALINEMA Academy, because we know that the key to success in realizing these interests and generating a long-term active and passive income is first to acquire the necessary knowledge and know-how. Because it is no coincidence that Bejamin Franklin once said: "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Even back in history, people knew the importance of continuing their education.

In fact, pretty much all successful people in the world have one thing in common: they read and educate themselves! That's why we follow these wise words and use the academy to our advantage.

What we do

In order to successfully increase and diversify capital, the smart use of new technologies and innovations plays an important role. In today's rapidly changing information age, the direct sharing and exchange of news are essential factors for us.

In our community we share exciting business ideas around lucrative and modern technologies. In addition, we have bundled the experience and knowledge we have gathered over the years into a compact academy so that new active members can get started immediately and benefit from it. Direct access and exchange of first-hand news is important for our constantly growing network, so that everyone can benefit equally and promptly from relevant information.

We are happy to share these experiences within our community so that each individual can increase their cash flow and thus realize their personal goals and dreams. We support each other, so that every active member can build up an active as well as passive income, independent of time and place.

What is our goal

Our common goal is to help other people to focus on their strengths and to empower their abilities, to help them gain more knowledge and reach more freedom. Furthermore, we want to use the qualities of each individual to offer added value to all and to advance the community together.

Another important goal is to help every active member with a proven method to achieve their own financial freedom in less than 20 months and build their own permanent and active network within the ALINEMA community, regardless of the different business opportunities.

Our values & philosophy

  • Trust - We value direct and honest communication. We address any opportunities and challenges immediately and thus promote trust and openness.

  • Social Competence - Professional interaction, traditional and ethical values such as respect, straightforwardness and authenticity, as well as down-to-earthness are important to us.

  • Community - We connect globally people and generations from different cultures with similar needs.

  • Future-oriented - The community is constantly up to date thanks to a large network and direct exchange.

  • Quality - We value high-quality and transparent information.

  • Sustainability - Sustainable stability thanks to a variety of topics and step-by-step introduction for new club members.

  • Financial Freedom -

Our mission

Maximum satisfaction of each member is the success we want to achieve together every day!

We strive to constantly improve our academy and community in order to provide added value and set a new benchmark in this sector.

Experience teaches us that one satisfied member attracts another and this is the essence that motivates us to always give our best!

Our vision

The future that suits us is to become the first choice that comes to everyone's mind when it comes to Alternative Investments and Network Marketing Communities.

On this path, the vision that guides us is to grow our community and build a strong platform that brings value not only to ALINEMA Academy and Community, but to all types of projects.

The main goal we want to serve is to create a better and safer future for all of us and the generations to come.